
Entity Definition

Logical Name : ConversionInitiative
Physical Name : CO_CVN_INITV

An action taken by the retailer to influence Consumers (i.e. parties in a customer acquisition stage, customer stage or inactive customer stage) to perform a ConversionAction. The ConversionAction references the things the consumer is to do. This entity refers to actions taken by the retailer to influence the customer to execute a ConversionAction.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
PromotionalInitiativeID (FK) A token ID for a retailer's PromotionInitiative instance. ID_PRML_INITV Identity integer PromotionalOffer(CO_PRM)
PromotionalInitiativeID (FK)(PK) A token ID for a retailer's PromotionInitiative instance. ID_PRML_INITV Identity integer
ConversionGoalTypeCode (FK) Token ID for a retailer defines ConversionGoal. ID_CVN_GL Identity integer ConversionGoal(CO_CVN_GL)
PromotionalOfferID (FK) The unique identifier for a promotion. ID_PRM_OFR Identity integer PromotionalOffer(CO_PRM)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
ConversionGoal is desired outcome from ConversionInitiative
PromotionalOffer provides one form of ConversionInitiative
ConversionInitiative influences occurence of ConversionEvent
PromotionInitiative can be a ConversionInitiative

Logical Views containing ConversionInitiative

Logical View
Logical 01400 - Item Rewards Derivation - Transaction Level
Logical 06100 - Calendar View
Logical 07015 - Customer Lifecycle and Registration
Logical 07017 - Consumer-Customer Lifecycle Context View